fredag 8 februari 2008

I-com 2008: Resultat från dag 1

Dag 2 av I-com 2008 inleddes med en sammanfattning av dagen. Varje panel hade diskuterats vid runda bord-samtal dagen innan och sammanfattdes nu i tre huvudpunkter. Nedan följer summeringarna för var och en av paneldebatterna (med reservationer för fel pga mina slarviga anteckningar. Jag orkar dessutom inte översätta).

1. It's important to separate Medie Engagement: standardisation and a single metric is within reach.
2. However, Advertising and Brand Engagement may require an industry-level standardisation, a single metric may be more difficult.
3. In the Online Space, future research should investigate Engagement with professionals versus user-generated content.

Agency Planning Needs
1. Planning: link online and offline, site-centric, user-centric. Both for planning and reporting.
2. Transparency, consistency, intra-country and cross-country.
3. Audience measurement is not the exclusive domain of companies such as comScore and Neilsen.

The Ad Centric Perspective
1. Paradigm 3-5 years.
2. "Last chop" model is dying...quickly (Här bad moderatorn James Sandoval om ursäkt för sin handstil, det skall vara "Last Click")
3. Industry support needed.

Behavioral Targeting
1. Needs to be used in conjunction with other advertising.
2. Adds more value to remnant inventory.
3. Many different definitions for behavioral targeting.

Buzz/Social Media Measurement
1. Social Media is important to all parts of an organisation.
2. Social Media and Buzz has more consequence/importance in somcategories than others.
3. While Buzz Measurement tends to start focusing on the negative, it can end up focusing on the positive.

Global Standards - MIA (denna Break-Out Session deltog jag och Charlotte i)
1. Glossary: is a starting point. Technology/Media can be agnostic as long as the terminology is defined. E.g. Geography
2. Back to basics: Online is working in a silo. Look towards other media and what they have learnt to identify the appropriate metrics.
3. Move beyond: look into the future and what are the definitions needed in the online space.

Alla punkter är avskrivna direkt från respektive moderators presentation och kan därför behöva förklaras en del. Hör av er om så är fallet.

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